by: Tony Tran
Autosurf programs are the hottest thing on the internet right now. You need no experience to start and you can get started almost instantly. It�s so easy to get started; even your 10 year old kid can do it. It�s a great way to earn some extra income to sponsor your other projects you might be planning or just earn a living out of it. Autosurf programs lets you view advertisement set on an auto-timer for an amount of time and you get paid for that. The purpose is to upgrade your account level, the more you upgrade, the more you will get paid in the end.
Autosurf programs are great, and you should get started as soon as possible to make money and feel good about it. There are many autosurf programs out there, so how do you spot a good one from a bad one?
1. Introduction
Although autosurf programs are very new and easy to use, it�s hard to tell how long they will last. There are a few autosurf programs that are stable and have lasted for awhile.
2. Checking Programs rating
Always search on google first on the programs rating before joining. If everyone is saying that it�s great and you should join, then it must mean that you must join or you�re losing out!
3. Is this autosurf program trustfully?
Check out the program�s forum! If they don�t have one, they must have something to hide. Spend some time reading the forum and asking other users question before you start. If everyone on the forum is saying its great, then try joining the program first since most if not all autosurf program lets you sign up for free.
4. Investing your money
To make money, you will need to buy upgrades. My recommendation is to start small and take the profit and deposit it into your bank, then use the small amount you started off with and invest into the autosurf program. This makes it hard for you to lose money. Since it is your hard earning money, never put in more than you can afford. There are people who are making a living using autosurf programs.
5. Final words
I love autosurf programs; it has given me more than enough money to start my other online business.
The easiest way to make money online,
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1 comment:
I have been reading posts and various blogs about autosurfs for a while now. I have seen far too many one sided blogs about the topic, and thought i would write in here and add to what has already been said. Before now, I would often either see a blog written clearly by admin of the autosurf site, in an attempt to promote the site. And then of course, i would see the blogs about autosurfs (generally the ones that accept egold) that write them all out to be scams. So, here's my word on the subject.
First, who am I? I am a webmaster with about 15 domains of my own, which covers topics anywhere from HTML tutorials to webpromotion. I have successful e-stores and free membership sites. Long story short, I know what I'm doing. There are always those who are better at what they do than myself, but I am hardly a novice. I am not here to promote any of my own sites however. Today I want to talk about autosurfs....
Lets discuss the cons first.....
Well, the beiggest problem that I have seen and experienced is the sites related to e-gold accounts. Point blank, don't surf to earn money. It's not going to work. I wish, trust me I wish it would. But its simply not going to. You will either loose an investment, or surf vigorously -watching you account fill with e-gold , until the account is suspended or you are scammed. 'but thanks for surfing....'. There are also many problems with autosurf sites that offer egold payouts that many are not aware of. This includes are large and growing popularity of scheming the webasters themselves, who own the autosurfs. In short, people blackmail the autosurf webmasters and tell them that they will have their complete client base complain to egold (causing the site to loose membership with egold, and thus ALL OF YOUR MONEY) if they don't pay the theives X amount of money. In the end, simply don't surf for money. It's not going to work. If it did, we would all be doing it. Aside from e-gold issues, there are a few more problems. Autosurfs do inflate traffic levels to sites. To many this is more good than bad, but we are discussing the cons first. Now then, if you are expecting the same conversions with autosurfs as you would with google or other ad campaigns, you are looking in the wrong place. You wont. And if you do, you are one luck SOB. In reality, you will never get the same amount of sales or signups resulting from the same amount of visits to your site. Instead of (ie)10,000 hits with google, leading to say 50 signups or sales.... you may see something closer to 10,000 hits with an autosurf, leading to something more like 5 signups or sales. This is hypothetical, but fairly close to my own experience. The truth is that autosurfs have a very large percentage of people who just want to get their own site seen, and increase traffic. Many don't really care about what you have to offer.
The pros........
Going back to your conversions. So lets say you do in fact get only 5 signups/sales per 10,000 instead of 50. Ask yourself how much did google or whomever charge you. Autosurfs, most anyway, are FREE. You exchange your time, not money. Which means that you simply leave your computer on. Now, you certainly have the ability to watch your computer surf while you earn traffic/credits, but many obviously do not. Personally, I do watch a small percentage of the time. (Yes, i am a member of several autosurfs). I have signup for several services through autosurfs, so I can hardly say that it never leads to signups. I have both signed up to other sites, and had quite a bit of success in getting good exposure. Sites that have a decent active base will lead to good unique visitor rates, and your page loads should be pretty high. I am active with 3 auto surf programs. They include Godwin1trafficexchange, gr8cashsites (though I may be staying away from them as there has been word of account break ins), and my personal favorite is Your EZ Hitz. To me its simple, leaving my computer on (which i often do at work) for a couple hours here and there gives me a higher traffic rate, better page ranking, and leads. Best of all, it's free. So while some may have negative things to say about autosurfs, the truth is that they can be a great thing, if you know what you are doing.
In the end, autosurfs require the same thing that any other aspect of business requires; research. Look into the surf site. Try it out, see what it can do for you. DONT PAY FOR THESE SERVICES UNTIL YOU HAVE TESTED THEM OUT VERY WELL, AND NEVER PAY TO JOIN. DON'T SURF FOR MONEY OR E-GOLD, AND DON'T EXPECT THAT ONE AUTOSURF WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE. It may however, improve your site.
Your EZ Hitz
Godwin1traffic exchange
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